Sustainable Development Goals Fund Grants


The Sustainable Development Goals Fund (SDGF) aims to provide support for partnerships between congregations, schools and mission networks within the Episcopal Diocese of New York (EDNY) and global entities outside of the EDNY. The EDNY partner applies for funding to support the project to be conducted with the global partner. Projects for which applications are made must be approved by the EDNY parish vestry or governing board, as well as the equivalent leadership of the global partner, before submission for consideration.

Grants will be awarded for projects that directly address one or more of the SDGs. Effectiveness, accountability and sustainability (addressing one or more SDGs, as well as financial sustainability) will be essential criteria which applicants must identify, define and measure. The global partner should be in communion with the Episcopal/Anglican church, and the EDNY partner must be in good standing within the church. Awards will be made out to the EDNY partner.

Selection criteria for review of applications

  1. The project for which the funds are requested must be a specific one. If the funds are to be used as part of a larger project, the exact function and timing of the smaller project must be stated. In the latter cases, the applicant must be able to answer the question: if you only receive funds from the SDG fund, what will you be able to accomplish?
  2. The submitted budget must correspond to the project described, even if the project is part of a larger one.
  3. The project must create or sustain a relationship between the EDNY and global partners.
  4. The project must foster financial independence in the global partner or community.

The SDG Fund will give priority to

  • projects that foster mutual exchange and partnership between the EDNY and global partners.
  • Global partners with Episcopal/Anglican affiliations.
  • Churches and organizations seeking first time grants.
  • First time recipients

Grants may also be given to an EDNY entity (parish, school, or mission network) and/or a particular global project more than once. In these cases, particular scrutiny will be placed on the progress and sustainability of the global project in the interim. Grants should not create dependency, but rather nurture self-reliance and financial independence. The hope is that projects funded by the SDG Fund will foster true companionship in mission.

Grant recipients and their global partners must aim to complete the project within the year following the awarding of the grant. In addition, grant recipients are expected to provide a brief report of program progress at six months, provide final outcome measurements at the end of the project and an accounting of how the funds were used. Grant recipients MUST present their year’s work at the following year’s Mission Fair. Attendance is mandatory. The SDG Fund committee will assist and advise grant recipients with their presentations, as needed.

Grantees are required to participate in this year’s Global Mission Fair to celebrate the honor of the award, as well as to share the rich stories about the project and the partnership at next year’s Fair. This will inspire others to foster global partnerships and undertake worthy mission projects. Grantees are encouraged to bring members and friends of their parish or mission entity to the Global Mission Fair and to act as ambassadors of the SDG Grants program.

If your EDNY entity is in discernment about mission and outreach but not yet ready to form a partnership with a particular global entity, please email your questions to The Global Mission Commission is pleased to provide information, counsel, and encouragement according to your particular needs.

How to Apply

Application deadline: Applications must be received by June 15th, 2024. Decisions on grants will be made by September 20th, 2024. Applicants will be informed shortly thereafter; funded projects will be announced and celebrated at the Mission Fair to be held on Saturday, October 12th, 2024Attendance at the Mission Fair is required for grant recipients.

Size of approved grants: $5,000 to $15,000


Mission Office Contacts

The Rev. Yamily Bass-Choate
Liaison for Global Mission

Office: 212-316-7432
Fax: 212-932-7345

The Rt. Rev. Mary D. Glasspool
Bishop Assistant

Office: 212-316-7442

Ms. Michelle Chang
Executive Assistant to the Bishop Suffragan and the Assistant Bishop

Office: 212-316-7484
Fax: 212-316-7405