New York – London Link

The connection between the Dioceses of New York and London goes back to colonial times, when our diocese had not yet been formed and the Bishop of London had jurisdiction over all of the churches in the North American colonies.

Nowadays, things are more equal, and relations between the Diocese of London and the Diocese of New York are strong and cordial.

This applies both among our bishops and other diocesan leaders, and also at the local level through the London-New York Link program. This began, following initial discussions by the Rev. Andrew Mullins of our diocese, in 2006 under Bishops Mark Sisk of New York and Richard Chartres of London and reaches across the Atlantic to bring together parishes in each diocese.

How does this work?

The program is informal in the sense that each pair of churches sets its own goals and practices. During the pandemic, for example, some parishes held joint virtual services and prayed for each other every Sunday. Pre-COVID, members of a parish from our diocese who were visiting London would be sure to visit their Link church, where they would meet people and often be invited to a meal. Similar hospitality was extended to British visitors to our diocese. Sometimes, clergy arranged for pulpit exchanges and rectory swapping.

Members of linked parishes enjoy an existing connection with a church when they visit each others’ cities, or a ready-made church home if they move more permanently across the Atlantic.

How to become a link parish

If you are interested in any way of forging a link with a parish from the Diocese of London please contact the Rev. . Douglas Ousley:

The Rev. J. Douglas Ousley
New York – London Link Coordinator


Currently, there are several English churches eager for a relationship with a parish in our diocese.

Bishops Matt Heyd, and Andy Dietsche with Bishop of London, Sarah Mullaly

Bishops Heyd, Dietsche, and Mullaly at Bishop Heyd’s Installation.


Recent interactions at the diocesan level

2018: Bishop Shin and the Rev. J. Douglas Ousley represented New York at the Installation of Sarah Mullally as Bishop of London in 2018.

2022: Bishop Mullally addressed the Church Club of New York at their annual dinner.

2023: A group of representatives from the Diocese of London attended the consecration of Matthew Heyd as Bishop Coadjutor.

2024: Bishop Mullally attended Bishop Heyd’s installation as Bishop of New York.

Linked Parishes – March 2024