Parish Investments

Read “Hold the Course” – advice for how to handle parish investments in times of market downturn and volatility.

  • Where should we invest our funds?
  • Who should make investment decisions?
  • What if we are planning to use some of the money in a few years for a new roof?
  • Do we need a separate investment account for each of our restricted funds?
  • Aren’t CDs safer than stocks?
  • How much should we be using for our operating budget?
  • How do we know how well our investments are really doing?
  • What kind of management fees should we be paying?

When it comes to parish investments, the questions flow thick and fast. Many Vestries and Finance Committees are unsure in this area. Some are dissatisfied with their current arrangements. Others ought to be.

We can clarify the issues to help you reach your congregation’s financial goals. The Investment Committee of the Diocesan Trustees has adopted Investment Guidelines to help our congregations review or formulate their approach to their invested funds.

We want to meet with your Vestry or Finance or Investment Committee to discuss areas like the following:

  • An appropriate approach for fiduciaries of a perpetual institution
  • The difference between long-term invested funds and short-term reserve funds
  • Investment pooling so all funds share proportionally the benefits and risks
  • Asset allocation as the factor that determines what you can use today without shortchanging the future
  • Total return investing instead of investing for high interest and dividends
  • Easy ways to track and report on the performance of your investments

The Diocesan Investment Trust

As you consider possible investment vehicles for your long-term invested funds, the Diocesan Investment Trust (DIT) should be among the possibilities. DIT is a corporation governed by Trustees elected by the Diocesan Convention.

IT has an Equity Fund and an Income Fund whose returns are very competitive. Through participation as a shareholder in these funds, every congregation and institution has access to professional investment management services of high quality and low cost under the direct supervision of the Trustees and the ultimate control of the Convention of the Diocese of New York.

DIT is proud to announce the launching of its new investment vehicle Parish Endowment Management Service.

If you’re ready to start pooling your investments, tracking total return and figuring your takeout as 5% of a three-year moving average, click on “Investing” under Documents and Files to the right of this page and download the Investment Pooling Worksheet for the formulas you need.

Stability in Unstable Times

The Diocesan Trustees’ Investment Committee originally issued a statement in March 2003 following reports that several congregations were considering getting out of the stock market entirely and putting all their funds in bonds or CDs. The statement Hold the Course, urges all congregations to maintain a proper asset allocation and spending policy.

Finance and Administration Contacts

Ms. Karin Almquist

Office: 212-316-7534

Ms. Chontel Simmons
Director of Operations and Human Resources

Ms. Michele Kearney
Executive Director, DIT

Office: 212-932-7312
Fax: 212-316-7405

Ms. Sara Saavedra
Convention Officer, Assistant Secretary of Convention, Diocesan Benefits Coordinator, Secretary to the Standing Committee

Office: 212-316-7423
Fax: 212-316-7420

Mr. Robert Santiago
Senior Accounting Manager

Office: 212-316-7451

Ms. Zoraida Marte
Payroll Manager

Office: 212-316-7478
Fax: 212-932-7328

Ms. Mildney (Mai) Dal
Senior Accountant

Office: 212-316-7434
Fax: 212-932-7328

Ms. Charmagne Castillo
Staff Accountant

Office: 212-316-7435
Fax: 212-932-7328

Mr. Lukasz Krukowski
Junior Accountant – Accounts Receivable

Office: 212-316-7479

Mr. Andrew Gary
Assistant to the Chief of Finance and Operations, Communications & Editorial Assistant

Office: 212-932-7322
Fax: 212-932-7323

Documents and Files