Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns

The Episcopal Church Welcomes You

The New York City LGBT Pride March, June 2017. Photos: Kara Flannery and Tim Martin.

The Diocesan Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns is a committee of the Social Concerns Commission of the diocese.

Mission Statement

The Diocesan Committee on LGBT Concerns promotes the visibility, equality and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning Episcopalians and their families in the diocese of New YorkThe Committee:

    • Serves as a clearinghouse for ministries, services and events within the diocese for its LGBTQ members, and supports and promotes these ministries
    • Partners with existing ministries that serve LGBTQ persons, such as Integrity New York, CFLAG (Clergy Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays), and the Interfaith Task Force for LGBTQ Youth
    • Promotes social witness for the experiences and needs of LGBTQ Episcopalians in the diocese
    • Identifies welcoming parishes within the diocese and works to engage additional parishes in the welcoming process
    • Advocates for policies that promote acceptance and equality for LGBTQ persons in the diocese, the larger church, and society at large

For further information or to become more involved, please email us.

2024 Pride March info