
Educating Anglican Women

The Global Women’s Fund of New York seeks to effect positive societal change by educating Anglican women for the transformation of  themselves, their families, their local communities, and the world.

To Our Benefactors and Friends,

In this time of global pandemic, the Global Women’s Fund of New York (GWF) is continuing to empower Anglican women and girls in the developing world through education. Despite the challenges facing the Episcopal Diocese of New York caused by the sheltering-in-place mandate, the GWF has been able to meet our scholarship commitments worldwide and remain in contact with the global women whose education depends on our mission.

Importantly, however, the GWF Board recently has made hard decisions with respect to the current grant cycle.

First, scholarship awards will be delayed. In a typical calendar year, applications for individual scholarships would be considered in the winter and early spring, leading to an announcement in late May of that year’s scholarship recipients. In 2020, we believe it prudent, before awarding scholarships, to determine whether the institutions of higher education where recipients plan to matriculate will be able to remain open. This will delay the awarding of scholarships this year.

Second, no seminars will be funded in 2020. Each year, the GWF makes grants for educational seminars that reach a larger number of women and girls. This year, we seek to support efforts in developing countries to slow the spread of the coronavirus by not granting awards for seminars that would bring together large groups. In early 2021, we will consider whether seminar grants can then be made, and any pending applications from 2020 will be considered, if requested.

Despite these decisions, the GWF remains fervently committed to our mission of helping women obtain higher education that will equip them to be leaders for their local communities. Perhaps especially as a result of the pandemic, women’s leadership is needed more than ever for a better world. We are grateful for your past financial gifts to the GWF and bid your prayers for the women whose education you are supporting. Know of our gratitude for your generosity and our prayers for you.

Judi Counts


In 2004, the Rt. Rev. Catherine S. Roskam established The Global Women’s Fund of New York in response to a global need to empower women and promote gender equality. Recognizing education to be a key means for raising women’s contributions and influence, the Global Women’s Fund has supported the higher education of 60 Anglican women, in such fields as ministry and medicine, community development and computer science. Educational seminars have reached over 3,000 Anglican women and girls. The work has enabled Anglican women to become leaders for the communities and effect positive social change. Recipients live in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and the Americas.

In 2017, the GWF established two awards specifically to honor the ideas and initiatives of its founders, Bishop Roskam and Kathi Watts Grossman, who served as the Chair of the Global Women’s Fund over the its first decade. The Bishop Catherine S. Roskam Scholarship will be awarded each year to a seminarian or ordained woman pursuing advanced theological education. The Kathi Watts Grossman Award will be granted annually, beginning in 2018, for a seminar of exceptional merit.

Won’t you give?

To make a donation online, please CLICK HERE.

To donate by check, make payable to:
Episcopal Diocese of New York
Memo: Global Women’s Fund

And send to:  
Episcopal Diocese of New York
Ms. Gina Brown
1047 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY  10025


Global Women’s Fund Board Members

Hazel Carter
Peter Christensen
Judi Counts – Chair
Susie Erdey
Ruth Anne Giannetto – Treasurer

Dianne Roberts, Esq. – Vice Chair
Liza Thomas
J.B. Wyker
The Rt. Rev, Mary D. Glasspool – Ex-Officio
The Rev. Yamily Bass-Choate – Staff
Sharon Luke – Admin. Asst.

Global Women's Fund Contact

Ms. Sharon Luke
Global Women’s Fund Liaison, Receptionist

Office: 212-932-7326


Global Women's Fund Brochure


    Global Women’s Fund 2019 Scholarships and Grants


    “Sometimes the ripples from the life of an educated woman move out far too significantly to measure easily.
    The empowerment of one woman can be the pivotal point upon which generations turn.”  

    The Rt. Rev. Catherine S. Roskam
    Bishop Suffragan (Retired)
    Episcopal Diocese of New York

    My education has changed my life. I have developed self- confidence and self-respect. I have peace and happiness because I chose a noble profession. Though I have some struggles and fear starting my career, I’m confident that I can take my family to a good position. My family and people surrounding me believe in my knowledge and empathy that I’ll be able to serve them to the best of my ability. They believe that health problems don’t matter anymore since we have a doctor in our family. Further, we thought that MBBS [Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery] was like a rich people’s profession and now that thought has been erased by me, thanks to the support of Global Women’s Fund.

    Dr. Revathy Veera, Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery