Bishop Dietsche Writes to Diocese in Response to Primates’ Vote to Sanction The Episcopal Church

“The Communion is Intact”


Following the vote by the Primates of the Anglican Communion to sanction the Episcopal Church, Bishop Dietsche today sent the following letter by email to the people of the Diocese of New York.

A Spanish translation of the Bishop’s letter is located below the text of the English version.


January 15, 2016

My brothers and sisters,

Following this message you will find today’s communication from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, commenting on the decisions made yesterday by the Primates gathered in conference by the Archbishop of Canterbury to sanction the Episcopal Church.  Bishop Curry’s reflection is excellent, and puts our life in the Anglican Communion in the context of an organic, living, continually evolving network of relationships.  I find his words helpful in accepting the disappointment of a discouraging meeting and decision without interpreting that as a failure or ultimate breakdown of relationships which have inspired us, enriched us, enflamed our missional desires, and made us proud by our common witness to the gospel across the globe.

Our communion is intact.  In no way will this vote impair or diminish the commitment of the Diocese of New York to continue our own mission relationships and the work we are doing through our Global Mission Commission and through the many parishes of New York among the people and churches of Haiti, India, Africa, Asia, Latin America, and across the world.  We have countless friends in myriad places, and I am confident that the depth and richness of those relationships across world and communion will continue to make us glad and rekindle every day our love of the historic communion we are happy to still claim.

I particularly want to speak to those of our diocese in the LGBT community.  Please do not fear that the divisions in our communion expressed yesterday, or the consequences of those divisions for the Episcopal Church, will ever cause for this bishop or diocese a scrap of regret for the decisions made here to provide for all people, particularly for gay and lesbian people, the fullest possible inclusion in our common life and full access to the sacramental life of the church, notably the sacraments of marriage and ordination.  We have seen God bless the whole church as the church has sought to bless those who had long been marginalized.  We give thanks for the good learnings and gifts which have come to us as we have striven to love more expansively, to love as Christ loves.  We will continue firm in our convictions and in our continuing embrace of the full and diverse community of brothers and sisters which is our life in New York, even as we continue to reach out to our sister provinces across the communion in continued fellowship.  “I came among you,” Jesus said, “that all may be one.”

I am grateful for the leadership of Bishop Curry, and grateful that he sat for us in the Primates Meeting and remained brave and strong and faithful for the work and witness of that hour.  I continue to be proud and grateful for all of you in the local witness and mission you make in the churches and communities where God has placed you.  May God continue to shower his graces and blessings upon us, upon those who wish us well and upon those who do not.  And as always, I remain



The Right Reverend Andrew ML Dietsche
Bishop of New York


15 de enero 2016

Mis hermanos y hermanas,

Después de este mensaje se encuentra la comunicación de hoy del Obispo Presidente Michael Curry, comentando sobre las decisiones tomadas ayer por los Primados reunidos en conferencia convocada por el Arzobispo de Canterbury para sancionar a la Iglesia Episcopal. La reflexión del Obispo Curry es excelente, y pone nuestra vida en la Comunión Anglicana en el contexto de una red de relaciones orgánica, viva y continuamente progresando. Me parece que sus palabras ayudan a aceptar la decepción causada por una decisión y reunión desalentadora sin interpretar eso como un fracaso o una ruptura definitiva de las relaciones que nos han inspirado, enriquecido, enardeciendo nuestros deseos misionales, y nos ha hecho sentir orgullosos por nuestro testimonio común del Evangelio en todo el mundo.

Nuestra comunión está intacta. De ninguna manera esta votación perjudicará o disminuirá el compromiso de la Diócesis de Nueva York para continuar nuestras propias relaciones de la misión y el trabajo que estamos haciendo a través de nuestra Comisión de Misión Mundial y a través de las muchas parroquias de Nueva York entre el pueblo y las iglesias de Haití, India, África, Asia, América Latina, y en todo el mundo. Tenemos un sinnúmero de amigos en una miríada de lugares, y confió en que la profundidad y la riqueza de esas relaciones en todo el mundo y en la comunión seguirán complaciéndonos y reavivando cada día nuestro amor por la comunión histórica, la cual estamos complacidos que todavía podemos reclamar.

En particular, quiero hablarles a las personas en la comunidad LGBT de nuestra diócesis. Por favor, no teman porque las divisiones en nuestra comunión expresadas ayer, o las consecuencias de esas divisiones para la Iglesia Episcopal, jamás causarán a este Obispo o a esta diócesis un mínimo pesar por las decisiones que aquí se toman para proveer la mayor inclusión posible en nuestra vida común y acceso completo a la vida sacramental de la Iglesia especialmente los sacramentos del matrimonio y la ordenación a todas las personas, especialmente a las personas homosexuales y lesbianas. Hemos visto que Dios bendice a toda la iglesia así como la iglesia ha querido bendecir a los que siempre han sido marginados. Damos gracias por los buenos aprendizajes y dones que nos han llegado mientras nos hemos esforzado para amar más expansivamente, para amar como Cristo ama. Seguiremos firmes en nuestras convicciones y abrazando siempre a toda la diversa comunidad de hermanos y hermanas, que es nuestra vida en Nueva York, incluso a medida que seguimos llegando a nuestras provincias hermanas en toda la comunión en continua camaradería. “Yo he venido en medio de vosotros”, dijo Jesús, “para que todos sean uno”.

Estoy muy agradecido por el liderazgo del Obispo Curry, y agradecido de que él se sentó por nosotros en la Reunión de los Primados y se mantuvo fuerte y valiente y fiel a la obra y al testimonio de ese momento. Sigo estando orgulloso de todos ustedes y agradecido por el testimonio que dan y la misión que realizan en las iglesias y las comunidades donde Dios les ha puesto. Que Dios siga enviando sus gracias y bendiciones sobre nosotros, sobre aquellos que nos desean bien y también sobre aquellos que no lo hacen. Y como siempre, quedo de ustedes


Dietsche sig

El Revdmo. Obispo Andrew ML Dietsche
Obispo de Nueva York

Statement by the Presiding Bishop:

Before I say a word about our gathering here at the Primates Meeting, I just want to say a word of thank you to you for all of your prayers: your prayers for this meeting, your prayers for me personally, both here and in my earlier sickness. We are well, and God is God, and I thank you.
Let me say a word about the meeting.

This is not the outcome we expected, and while we are disappointed, it’s important to remember that the Anglican Communion is really not a matter of structure and organization. The Anglican Communion is a network of relationships that have been built on mission partnerships; relationships that are grounded in a common faith; relationships in companion diocese relationships; relationships with parish to parish across the world; relationships that are profoundly committed to serving and following the way of Jesus of Nazareth by helping the poorest of the poor, and helping this world to be a place where no child goes to bed hungry ever. That’s what the Anglican Communion is, and that Communion continues and moves forward.

This has been a disappointing time for many, and there will be heartache and pain for many, but it’s important to remember that we are still part of the Anglican Communion. We are the Episcopal Church, and we are part of the Jesus Movement, and that Movement goes on, and our work goes on. And the truth is, it may be part of our vocation to help the Communion and to help many others to grow in a direction where we can realize and live the love that God has for all of us, and we can one day be a Church and a Communion where all of God’s children are fully welcomed, where this is truly a house of prayer for all people. And maybe it’s a part of our vocation to help that to happen. And so we must claim that high calling; claim the high calling of love and faith; love even for those with whom we disagree, and then continue, and that we will do, and we will do it together.

We are part of the Jesus Movement, and the cause of God’s love in this world can never stop and will never be defeated.

God love you. God bless you. And you keep the faith. And we move forward.

The Most Rev. Michael Curry
Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church